What Does it Really Mean to be “Good”? How Your Beliefs Might be Making you Anxious! Reading Time: 8 minAre your beliefs causing you anxiety and stress? Learn how outdated beliefs might be holding you back—with journal prompts to help!Read More...
(Why) There is No Such Thing as an Unrealistic Goal! Reading Time: 4 minWhile the deadlines or standards we set may be unrealistic, our goals are not. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Here's how and why.Read More...
Happy Holidays 2023 | Inspiring Quote Card with Journaling Prompts! Reading Time: 2 minFor the holidays, enjoy this beautiful quote from the creative and courageous Elizabeth Gilbert (with journaling prompts to go deeper).Read More...
Use these 3 Brain States to Increase Calm & Be Your Best Self Under Stress | by Julia Menard & Judy Zehr Reading Time: 5 minWhen we're triggered and in full-blown stress, we are not our best selves. Learn how to stay calm and catch yourself early here!Read More...
7 New 2023 Holiday Gift Ideas (under $100) for Stress-Free Shopping! Reading Time: 4 minHere's our Holiday Gift Ideas for 2023: 5 original gift ideas for your friends and loved ones. And all ideas are budget friendly—under $100!Read More...
Be Kind to Your Pocketbook: 3 “Tricks” to Help You Spend Wisely—and Spend Less! Reading Time: 4 minIn this article we share 3 super-easy 'tricks' when making a purchase to help you stay on track with your budgeting—and spend more wisely!Read More...
11 Ways to Find More Life Balance (Infographic) Reading Time: 2 minHere's a beautiful Life Balance Infographic with 11 Fiercely Kind Life Balance Strategies. Plus a Fierce Kindness practice to go deeper!Read More...
Making a Difference: Why Fierce Kindness Matters! Reading Time: 6 minWhy is Fierce Kindness is important if we want to make a difference in our world? And what role do self-acceptance and kindness play? Find out in this article!Read More...
When is it OK to say “No”? | With Helpful Graphics! Reading Time: 3 minSaying "No" is something many people find challenging! Our culture teaches us that it's good to say "Yes", to juggle a million things, and achieve as much as we can in as short a time-frame as possible....Read More...
Stress Signals: The Effects of Stress on Your Body Handout (.PDF printable) Plus Journaling Prompts Reading Time: 5 minGet your .PDF printable to understand the impacts of stress so you're inspired to take care of you! With journaling prompts to go deeper.Read More...