Are You Living Your Values? Free Coaching Exercise (PDF printable)

Happy Black woman in beige cable knit sweater with arms crossed smiling for are you living your values?

A couple of weeks ago we talked about 7 ways we get disconnected from ourselves and our values. And some of you asked: How would I know if I was disconnected from my values?

Because it can be complex and difficult to see. Especially if we have competing values—where one value is being met at the expense of another.

One way to realise you’re not living your values is noticing that you might feel uncomfortable, unmotivated, sad, unhappy, disappointed etc.—especially when it relates to your own behaviour, life circumstances and decisions.

But of course there are many other possible reasons we could be feeling these feelings in our lives. So this week I’m sharing a brand new tool that helps us identify if—and where exactly—we may be out of alignment with our values.Are you living your values workbook?

This exercise helps us live more consciously and authentically by realising when we’re out of alignment with our values—and not living as authentically as we imagine (or might like).

Just click the image or link below to download your tool:

Click here for Are You Living Your Values Coaching Exercise (.PDF printable)

This powerful coaching exercise will help you evaluate how truly you’re living your values—and identify 3 actions to bring yourself back into alignment.


In the personal development world, awareness is power! Because until we realise something is amiss, we won’t be able to do anything about it. This is why noticing is the first (and arguably most important) step…

So next time you notice you’re feeling uncomfortable, unmotivated, sad, unhappy, disappointed grab this exercise to see if it’s because your values are out of alignment!

I hope you love this workbook. Let us know how you get on in the comments below 🙂

If you liked this Values Worksheet, try:Fierce Kindness Logo

Change the world. Start with you!

Image of Happy Black woman in beige cable knit sweater with arms crossed for are you living your values worksheet? by Kraken Images


  1. Carin

    Dear Emma, I have just downloaded your resources, it looks wonderful! I appreciate your generosity.

    • Emma-Louise Elsey

      Dear Carin, I’m so glad you like it 🙂 Enjoy!
      Emma-Louise x


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