Make This Your Best Summer Ever! (with Printable .PDF) July 11, 2024 Reading Time: 2 min ShareTweetPinShare0 SharesOver the summer, most (non-tourism based!) businesses move to a slower pace. And we have an opportunity to slow down, reflect and enjoy life a little more. We can go on vacation, enjoy longer evenings, long lunches, long weekends and lazy Sundays. But it can be hard, when you have a lot going on (or have children at home), to achieve the inspiring visions of summer we see all around us.And while our summers seemed endless when we were children, as adults, our busy lives and multiple competing priorities and responsibilities can make it hard to relax. So if we’re not careful our summer is over before we blink.And sometimes we simply have so many expectations for the holidays that we end up disappointed.It is possible to create a fabulous summer!Even if you have a lot going on in your life, it is possible to create, carve out and protect some time, so that you get to enjoy your summer.But it’s important to recognize that our idea of a great summer will both change over time, as well as from year to year, depending on how our life is going—and crucially who is (or is not) in it.The secret to a great summer is to get really clear on what you wantWhat are your needs? What do you want and what don’t you want? How will you relax and recharge your batteries? What will you do for fun?It’s all about maintaining that crucial balance between what you want to do and what you need to do—and recognizing that you can’t pack everything in. You’ll need to prioritise (you!) and recognize that even you have limits…So, let’s get started!Click to get Your Best Summer Ever PrintableCheck-in and ask yourself how you would like your summer to be this year? Are you looking for adventure? Relaxation? Excitement? Family-time? Nature? To be creative?Then once you’re clear on the kind of summer you want, brainstorm some ideas, and finally empower yourself to take action, get out there and create it!What would your amazing summer look like?Why not be kind to yourself and:Get the “Make this Your Best Summer Ever” Printable here >>How does it work? Simply set aside 10 minutes to ponder and brainstorm, answering the questions on this worksheet. At the end you’ll commit to just 3 things you’ll do to get started. And that’s it! Super simple.Wrap-upWe can’t make change in our lives unless we have a clear vision of what we’re moving towards.So, I encourage you to complete this tool to clarify what a fabulous summer would look like for you—and make this summer your best ever! And if not, it will at least be more fun, relaxing or exciting that it would otherwise have been!If you liked this article, you may also like:Our 10 Beautiful Summer Journaling Prompts! Connect to your Inner Wisdom (with printable .PDF)5 Powerful Questions to Have Your Kindest Summer Ever! (Infographic and Printable)2024 book recommendations coming soon, but for now try our: Summer Reading 2023: 7 Hot Book Recommendations for YouChange the world. Start with you! Image of Happy woman of colour on deckchair at beach looking at camera by Rido via ShutterstockShareTweetPinShare0 SharesLeave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.