Earth Day Infographic: 10 Awesome Ways to Make Our World a Better Place

Earth Day Infographic on an illustrated background with blue sky with clouds, trees and a smiling world

This Monday 22 April is the 54th year of celebrating Earth Day, and this year we’ve created an Earth Day Infographic for you.

The very first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970. For a history of Earth Day click here. Since then, “has been mobilizing over 1 billion people annually on Earth Day, and every other day, to protect the planet” and calling for “the creativity, innovation, ambition, and bravery that we need to meet our climate crisis…”

Jump straight to the Earth Day Infographic here >>

Why it’s so important to do something for Earth Day!

At Fierce Kindness we have a philosophy that outlines what we need to be happy in this complex and uncertain world—and it’s based around 4Cs:

  1. CONNECT to yourself, others and something bigger.
  2. CREATE a life you love.
  4. CHOOSE (Fierce) Kindness always.

Contribute is an important part of Fierce Kindness and part of what makes us different. Because we believe that conscientious, caring people like you will find it hard to be happy unless you’re doing something to make our world better.

What do we dislike in our world? What would we like to be different? How do we want the world to be? And what are we willing to do about it?

And “Contribution” is Extra-Important for our Planet!

It’s easy to get disheartened at a time when politicians care more about getting re-elected than saving our planet, and when big organizations care more about profits than protecting the environment. [Google “ecological grief”, it’s a thing.]

And when we feel discouraged, it’s easy to think: Why bother doing anything?

And my answer is this: bother because it’s good for you!

Doing something is empowering. It’s uplifting. It offsets any feelings of powerlessness or hopelessness—and it may just inspire others to make a difference too.

And. It’s important to consciously do something…

It really doesn’t matter what you do. But, it does matter that you mentally connect the action you take to -> making the world a better place ie. you recognize that you’re doing something.

This Earth Day: Acknowledge What You’re Already Doing!

Because I bet you’re already doing quite a bit to make a difference.

So, as you read the infographic below, follow these 2 steps:

  1. As you come across things you’re already doing in the graphic, make a mental note!
    • OPTION: grab your journal and make a list of the things you do (big, small and in between!) to reduce your impact on the environment.
  2. Then allow yourself to feel good about what you’re doing. Pause for a moment and give yourself a pat on the back. Good work! You make a difference!

Infographic for Earth Day with 10 Ways to Make Our World a Better Place

TIP: Remember, when you see things you already do, give yourself a pat on the back!

Earth Day Infographic with 10 Ways to Make the World a Better Place

Wrap-up Fierce Kindness Logo

I hope you love this Earth Day Infographic! And as we wrap up here, remember:

There are 3 ways you can feel better about the state of the world right away:

  1. Consciously recognize how you already make a difference in the world. For some of us, this may be enough to reduce our “Weltschmerz” (world-sadness).
  2. Contribution. Take specific action around something that bothers you in the world. Think about what annoys, upsets or frustrates you in our world and choose to do something about it!
  3. Choose Kindness in a world that self-destructively values money and stuff over relationships and love. You can—and do—make a difference to the people you encounter.

For Earth Day, perhaps inspired by the infographic above, you’ll choose some new ways to be kind to the environment and our world!

If you liked this article and Earth Day Infographic, you may also like:

Change the World. Start with You!


Image of Illustrated background with earth, trees and cloud by purwakawebid via Pixabay


  1. Tanu aggarwal

    Loved the Earth Day Infographic! It’s a fantastic reminder of the simple yet impactful ways we can contribute to our planet’s health. It’s empowering to know that even small actions can make a big difference. Let’s keep spreading kindness and sustainability! #EarthDay #ActForEarth

    • Emma-Louise Elsey

      Dear Tanu, thank-you so much for taking the time to comment! I’m so glad you liked it
      Emma-Louise x


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