Happy Holidays 2020 | Enjoy this Beautiful & Inspiring Quote from Neil Gaiman Reading Time: 1 min"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art—write or draw or...Read More...
5 Easy Ways to Slow Down – and Be Kind! Reading Time: 3 minLife is busy enough—let's not make it worse by rushing. Because the more we rush, the more our life speeds up. And the more our life speeds up, the less connected we feel to ourselves. We all have long...Read More...
Giving Thanks: Easy 5 Finger Gratitude Exercise and Ritual! Reading Time: 2 min 30 secWith so much going on in the world we need tools to help us thrive, or at least de-stress... So, with World Gratitude Day this week, we're highlighting this easy gratitude exercise for you. And it's fabulous...Read More...
67+ Kind and Fun (COVID) Online Holiday Gift Shopping Ideas for 2020Check out these ideas to get you thinking with fun, useful and original gift ideas for your friends and loved one. Many of the ideas are budget friendly too!Read More...
9 Easy Ways to Bring Kindness into Everyday Life! (Infographic) Reading Time: 1 minIt's World Kindness Day on November 13. We need kindness more than ever to ourselves, to others and our planet! Get 9 easy ways to be more kind in this beautiful graphic!Read More...
Keep Working On Your Dreams: The Fierce Kindness Story! (Updated in 2024) Reading Time: 3 min 30 secMost people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. Bill Gates Do you have a big dream? Do you wonder if you'll ever get there? Because when the idea of...Read More...
Develop Fierce Kindness – And Have A Devoted Friend For Life! (Republished) Reading Time: 2 min 30 secThis is the unadulterated, original version of the first Fierce Kindness article: There are many forms of kindness but my absolute favourite is Fierce...Read More...
Connect to Your Roots: The Best Calming Ritual—Ever! (find calm in just 1 minute)Through my journey I've come to realise the importance of ritual. Stepping briefly out of the maelstrom of life to reconnect with ourselves creates a positive habit that both calms and gives us strength. Jump...Read More...
20 Fierce Quotes from the Irrepressible Ruth Bader Ginsburg Reading Time: 5 min 30 secAs we mourn Ruth's loss, let's also celebrate her achievements and enjoy some feisty Ruth Bader Ginsburg quotes. Plus of course, your Fierce Kindness Quotes "Practice"!Read More...
5 Surprising Tips that Reverse Traditional Wisdom – and Boost Your Happiness Reading Time: 3 minDo you, like me, make life harder for yourself than it needs to be? Because whether it's perfectionism, trying to be "good" or sticking to the rules, sometimes doing the opposite of what's expected is...Read More...