How to Stop Being a Perfectionist in 4 Simple (But Not Easy!) Steps Reading Time: 5 minIn this follow-on article we look at how to stop being a perfectionist and share 4 simple, practical steps to help you get there. In this article you'll find: Where does perfectionism come...Read More...
Are You Addicted to Perfectionism? With 10 Signs and Journaling Prompts to Explore! Reading Time: 7 minMany of you know I'm a 'recovering' Perfectionist—and that sometimes I still have to work at letting go. See if the 10 signs of perfectionism apply to you, plus journaling prompts to go deeper.Read More...
12 Ways to Create Your Own Luck (Infographic) Reading Time: 3 minWe've been thinking about spring, projects and what leads to success - combined with the idea of creating your own luck (inspired by St Patrick's Day). Here's a fun infographic to help.Read More...
International Women’s Day 2023 | 8 Inspiring Movies to Watch & Much More! Reading Time: 7 minMovies to watch, the IWD 2023 themes, 5 inspiring & sparkly quotes, questions for you to ponder—and more...Read More...
7 Deep Journaling Prompts to Connect to Your Unique Hopes & Dreams! (Printable) Reading Time: 3 minGet super-clear on your dream for your life and inspire your decisions & goals with these 7 journaling prompts and bold printable graphic.Read More...
How to Create a Vision Board for your Life, Career and More! Reading Time: 7 minLearn how to create a Vision Board in 4 easy steps including what supplies you need, 7 top tips and much more. Connect to your deep yearnings and dreams!Read More...
Happy Holidays 2022 | Inspiring Quote & Card with Journaling Prompts! Reading Time: 1 minFierce Kindness is about overcoming our fear (in a healthy way!) and doing the hard things that make our lives—and the lives of our fellow beings—better. So, with the holidays almost here, I hope you...Read More...
Stay Kind for the Holidays—with a Self-Compassion Practice by Julia MenardMany of us feel excitement about returning "home" for Christmas and the holiday season. But I've also heard many sad and stressful stories about clashes and tensions that seem to inevitably come up at...Read More...
5 Tips to Say “No” with Kindness, Ease and Grace! Reading Time: 6 minDe-stress your holiday season your holiday season with these 5 tips to practice setting your boundaries and saying no.Read More...
Spread Kindness Any Time with these Cool “Lunch Notes” (.PDF printable) Reading Time: 2 minMore than just for lunch or kids, grab these 16 fun "lunch notes" to spread kindness to those you love, live, work and play with.Read More...