Happy Holidays 2022 | Inspiring Quote & Card with Journaling Prompts!

Audre Lorde Quote as Holiday Card on purply Snowflakes background

Fierce Kindness is about overcoming our fear (in a healthy way!) and doing the hard things that make our lives—and the lives of our fellow beings—better.

So, with the holidays almost here, I hope you enjoy this beautiful quote from the courageous and inspirational Audre Lorde.

When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. Audre Lorde

And if you’d like to go deeper, below are some powerful journaling prompts, inspired by this year’s quote for you to complete over the holidays.

Your Fierce Kindness Inspirational Journaling Prompts for the HolidaysPaper Heart for quotes exercise
  • What are you most afraid of? What gets in the way of you being fully yourself?
  • What is your vision? For yourself? Your life? For the world?
  • What stops you from daring to be powerful? (and yes, it takes daring to be powerful—that just gave me goosebumps!)
  • Which of your strengths are the most useful to help achieve your vision?
  • Which of your strengths are of most use to you?
  • Where could you make more of a difference if you embraced your strengths and were not afraid to step into your power?

As we head into 2023 we must believe in ourselves. We must keep going, embrace our power and continue to make change in these difficult times: we must have courage and faith in ourselves to make a difference.

So whatever and wherever you celebrate this holiday season I’m sending you and your loved ones blessings.Fierce Kindness Logo

With love and best wishes,

PS. If you love goal-setting and haven’t already, check out our Annual Goal-Setting Workbook here >>

Image of Snowflakes by JillWellington via Pixabay

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