Names Do Hurt: How “Labels” Might Be Limiting You! Reading Time: 5 minNames can hurt us just as much as sticks and stones. Instead of bruises, names and labels can increase stress & decrease self-esteem...Read More...
Unleash Your Inner Dragon: Journaling Prompts to Succeed—and Develop Character! Reading Time: 3 minHere are some journaling prompts for the Dragon Year to connect with you, develop character—and inspire you to achieve great things in 2024!Read More...
Shadow Work Journal Prompts: Are you Brave Enough to Explore these Questions? (Printable PDF) Reading Time: 3 minIf you love journaling—and this halloween-y time of year—I have a treat for you: Halloween Journaling prompts and a fun printable. Inspired by Women Who Run With the Wolves.Read More...
Access Your Inner Wisdom with this Future-Self Guided Meditation! (20 mins) Reading Time: 2 minAs the world begins to open up and shift we can begin, gently, to look ahead. Use this 20 min future-self guided meditation to relax—and get inner guidance.Read More...
Character: When it Comes Down to it—Who Are You? Reading Time: 7 minHow to use adversity to build character and be more attractive! In this article we're going to take a look at character; what it is—and isn't, how our character is formed, why it matters, and of course,...Read More...