12 Ways to be Thankful (Gratitude Infographic) Reading Time: 2 minHere's a beautiful Gratitude Infographic with 12 Thankfulness Strategies—plus a Fierce Kindness practice to go deeper!Read More...
Tools to Build Your Resilience: 3) Take Charge of Your Destiny! Reading Time: 5 minAre you in the driving seat of your life? Learn why this is so important & get 7 things you can do to take control of your life—and destiny!Read More...
Big News from Emma-Louise! Reading Time: 3 minSo, this week is short and sweet, with an exciting announcement from me (that has been a long time coming!).Read More...
Food for Thought: Why You Should Do More… Sitting Around and Doing Nothing! Reading Time: 3 minWould you like an excuse to just sit down and do nothing? Well, we're here to help! Why we should all be doing, well, nothing...Read More...
10 Beautiful Reasons Why You Need Solitude! (A Core Fierce Kindness Practice) Reading Time: 7 minOur lives are overflowing and technology pervades everything. It's never been more important to create solitude for ourselves, here's why!Read More...
You Are Inherently Creative: This Summer, Make Art! By Wendy Welch Reading Time: 7 minMany people are afraid to make art—because they think they can't. They haven't discovered the great untold secret: Everyone can make art!Read More...
Make This Your Best Summer Ever! (with Printable .PDF) Reading Time: 2 minIt IS possible to have a great summer even when you're busy. But you need to know what you want and take action to make time for you!Read More...
Are You Living Your Values? Free Coaching Exercise (PDF printable) Reading Time: 2 minGrab this powerful coaching exercise to personify your critic or judge—the first step so your critic can begin to loosen its grip!Read More...
12 Meaningful Ways to be Happier (Infographic) Reading Time: 2 minHere's a beautiful Happiness Infographic with 12 Fiercely Kind Strategies—plus a Fierce Kindness practice to go deeper!Read More...
Unhappy, Sad or Stressed? 7 Ways We Get Disconnected from Ourselves and Our Values!Do you feel unhappy, disconnected, dissatisfied or like something's missing from your life? It may be that you're not living your values.Read More...