5 Journaling Prompts to Nourish & Strengthen You as the Seasons Change Reading Time: 3 minThe Equinox marks a change in the rhythms of nature, offering a great opportunity to reflect and reconnect. And also prepare for another season of COVID...Read More...
Why Fierce Kindness is a Practice… Reading Time: 3 minFierce Kindness is a practice that at its simplest is about being kind - no matter what. It applies to how we treat ourselves, others and also our environment.Read More...
How to Give Heartfelt Praise, Why it’s so Important, 12 Example Compliments & More! Reading Time: 5 minWant to appreciate and show gratitude for important people in your life? Here's what not to do, how to give good compliments with tips, examples - and why it might just be very important right now...Read More...
44 Powerful and Inspiring Martin Luther King Quotes (plus 4 beautiful quote graphics) Reading Time: 8 minFor Martin Luther King day (the third Monday in January), we're sharing some Martin Luther King quotes. These quotes attempt to share the breadth and depth of a man, sadly missed, who was assassinated in 1968...Read More...
10 Powerful—and Ancient—Quotes to Inspire and Help You Grow! Reading Time: 2 minThe idea behind this article is that the ancient Greek and Roman philosophers are the forefathers of coaching. They sought answers to key questions like: What does it mean to lead a good/happy/fulfilling...Read More...
Fierce Kindness: Beautiful Inspirational Quotes! Reading Time: 2 minI've always been a little obsessed with quotes—and have a huge collection! Natasha Kong, our wonderful graphic designer, has created these beautiful scrapbooking style quotes and there are enough now to...Read More...
Be the Hero of Your Own “Liminal” COVID Journey! Reading Time: 4 minThere are years where nothing really happens, and then there are weeks where years happen... I wish I could say these were my wise words, but I adapted them from a quote by Lenin (whom I didn't want to glorify...Read More...
15 Fabulous Ways For You to “Grow” While Staying Home… Reading Time: 10 minThis COVID-19 crisis has radically changed our lives. Just a few months ago, we had no idea our 'world' would be largely confined to our homes. Our neighbours, mom, boss, friends and fellow humans all...Read More...