Happy Holidays 2023 | Inspiring Quote Card with Journaling Prompts!

Reindeer with squirrels and holding lamp at night in the snow

Fierce Kindness is about courage—and kindness. It’s about connecting with our inner strength—and our compassion. It’s about learning to be happy and creating a life we truly love—a life of meaning, equanimity and joy. And to do this we need a deep self-connection and self-acceptance.

We believe in doing the hard things that make the world—and the lives of our fellow beings—better. But we must start with ourselves.

So, for the holidays this year, I’m sharing this beautiful quote from the courageous and creative Elizabeth Gilbert. If you’ve read any of Elizabeth Gilbert’s books (Eat Pray Love, Committed, Big Magic and more) you’ll know that she takes risks and follows her heart and she doesn’t settle (for long anyway).

Here is this year’s quote:

The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to uncover those jewels—that’s creative living. The courage to go on that hunt in the first place—that’s what separates a mundane existence from a more enchanted one. Elizabeth Gilbert

And if you’d like to go deeper, below are some powerful journaling prompts, inspired by this year’s quote for you to complete over the holidays.

Your Fierce Kindness Inspirational Journaling Prompts for the HolidaysPaper Heart for quotes exercise
  • What strange and unique jewels could be buried deep within you?
  • What are you most afraid of? What gets in the way of you being fully yourself?
  • What is your vision? For yourself? Your life? For the world?
  • What stops you from daring to be creative and powerful in how you live your life? (and yes, it takes daring—that just gave me goosebumps!)
  • How could you courageously bring your beautiful strangeness and creativity together, to live a more enchanted life?

As we head into 2024, do you want to live a more exciting and enchanted life?

If so you must embrace all that you are—and bravely go on that journey to uncover the “strange jewels” buried deep within you that make you unique and beautiful! This is how we create a life (and self) we truly love!

Finally, whatever and wherever you celebrate this holiday season I wish you and your loved ones joy and blessings.Fierce Kindness Logo

With love and best wishes,

PS. If you love goal-setting and haven’t already, check out our Annual Goal-Setting Workbook here >>

Image of Reindeer with squirrels and holding lamp at night in the snow by Kudy Badorota via Pixabay

One Comment

  1. Lynda Monk

    Hi Emma, this is beautiful in every way. Thanks for all the ways you bring positive energy, insights and inspiration into our world. I wish you an enchanting and exciting 2024! Love and gratitude, Lynda xo


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