Food for Thought: Why You Should Do More… Sitting Around and Doing Nothing! August 14, 2024 Reading Time: 3 min ShareTweetPinShare0 SharesWhat are your thoughts on “doing nothing? Is it lazy? Scary? Dreamy? Boring?Because we live in a society that (over)values productivity and achievement: more is always better. Being busy proves we’re important and needed—that we have value in this world of ours.And yet our best ideas—and happiest moments—are often when we’re doing absolutely nothing at all.Doing nothing breeds creativity, it helps us figure out our place in the world—and if we’re lucky we get a taste of precious inner peace.I love this excerpt from Winnie the Pooh:“What I like doing best is Nothing.”“How do you do Nothing,” asked Pooh after he had wondered for a long time.“Well, it’s when people call out at you just as you’re going off to do it, ‘What are you going to do, Christopher Robin?’ and you say, ‘Oh, Nothing,’ and then you go and do it. … ”Oh!” said Pooh.”A.A. MilneIt always makes me smile.This is the kind of doing nothing where we go for a walk for no reason, sit and stare out of the coffee shop window or grab a cup of tea at home, sit down in our favourite chair and settle in.We could all do with more doing nothing.Puttering in the yard, staring at the ocean, bathing ourselves in nature in the forest, watching the world go by…No phones. No lists. No TV.Because as well as creating space for creativity, it’s in these moments of doing nothing that we get a break from our endless responsiblities, chores and to do lists. And we also get to:Find ourselves, that we reconnect—and remember the truly amazing and unique being we truly are.Feel beautifully connected to nature—and each other.See the bigger picture and feel genuinely grateful for our life (this one happens to me a lot when I stop doing!).In fact doing nothing helps us slow life down to a pace that allows us to appreciate our marvellous luck that we exist at all. And if you’re really lucky, you may get to feel the joy of simply being alive!If only we could allow ourselves to enjoy it!Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. Nathaniel HawthorneA teeny bit of neuroscienceWhen we’re restful with no task to focus on, our literally brain slows down its activity. And this is when our brain produces what are know as Alpha waves. Alpha waves sit somewhere between Beta waves (when our brain is active, problem solving and task focused) and Theta waves (experienced when we’re meditating, lightly asleep).Alpha brain waves “help us calm down when necessary and promote feelings of deep relaxation. Alpha waves are found prominently in daydreaming, inability to focus, and being very relaxed. If they are suppressed it can cause anxiety, high stress, and insomnia. When they are optimal it leads to a relaxed state.” 1“Alpha waves usually occur when you are engaged in activities such as daydreaming, meditating, or practicing mindfulness. Research suggests that this type of brain wave may play a role in reducing symptoms of depression and improving creativity.” 2We can also get a buzz from doing nothing…I think we’ve all felt that thrill you get from being “naughty”—when you’re just not doing what you “should” be doing!And that’s why I also love this quote:Wrap-upI hope this has given you some food for thought!Fierce Kindness is a philosophy that helps us create a life we love—and to love the life we have. It’s about kindness & self-care and it’s about making a difference in our world. It’s also about having the courage to do the right thing, and not being afraid to be different.Doing nothing is being different and courageous!It’s taking a stand for your wellbeing—and putting your welfare ahead of being “productive”. It’s saying “No” to overwhelm and “Yes” to self-connection, inner peace—and if we’re lucky, happiness and joy.Why not connect with yourself, nature, the world around you, get a cheap thrill, relax, snooze, have some fabulous ideas, resolve a problem that’s been eating away at you, reduce anxiety, feel genuine gratitude—and more?Finally, your homework (should you wish to accept!) is to ponder how (and maybe even when!) you could bring a little bit of “doing nothing” into your life…I wish you some wonderful stargazing, sunset or people watching—perhaps even snoozing—and doing not very much at all!Change the world. Start with you!Did you enjoy this? If so, try:What I Learned from Time Alone & How to Create Your Own Beautiful Solitude!You Are Inherently Creative: Make Art! By Wendy WelchBlossom in Nature: 5 Outdoor Activities for Personal Growth this Summer!References1 From Priyanka A. Abhang, Suresh C. Mehrotra et al. in Introduction to EEG- and Speech-Based Emotion Recognition, 2016 and sourced here at Science Direct 2 From Very Well MindImage of Mature smiling woman relaxing and doing nothing on sofa by PaeGAG via ShutterstockShareTweetPinShare0 SharesLeave a Reply Cancel ReplyYour email address will not be published.CommentName* Email* Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.