Here’s Your How to be Kind to Yourself Toolkit!How to Be Kind to Yourself eBookLearn how to be kind to yourself with this awesome workbook and resource. Enjoy being kinder to yourself! Love Emma-Louise xCongratulations! You have courageously begun your self-kindness journey. OPTIONAL: 3 More Self-Kindness ToolsGrab these now—or get them later![There are links to each of the tools below in your eBook AND we’ll also email you a link to each of the tools below.]EXTRA TOOL 1) 35 Fierce Ways to be KindGrab this awesome handout for lots of new Self-Kindness ideas. EXTRA TOOL 2) The Effects of StressIdentify your signs of stress so you know when to be kind to yourself. EXTRA TOOL 3) The PACT Self-Kindness WorksheetLearn the 4 Step PACT Process for how to be kind to yourself.