Fierce Kindness Survey Results – What You Told Us!

Dog Listening representing survey

…us to help you with? Below is a colour-coded chart that shows the topics you selected. Please note that people were allowed to pick more than one, and this chart represents all those answers. Unsurprisingly (to me anyway) is that managing our inner critic was the most chosen issue! This…

Journaling Prompts to Explore How Your Labels Impact You!

Woman pouting and pondering her labels against blue background

…begin exploring limiting beliefs that may be holding us back. First, write out your list of up to 10 (both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’) labels that apply to you. This should include current labels, as well as ‘past’ labels that perhaps only your close family or inner critic still uses… Now…

The 4 Cs: Why Connection to Ourselves is SO important

…ourselves life literally feels good—we’re led by a deep inner compass instead of by our inner critic (usually fear-based). We’re clear on who we are and what matters to us. And we feel strong and empowered, because we’ve accepted all of ourselves and have nothing to hide. Deeply connecting to…

27 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself (with journaling prompts!)

Woman hugging herself for - one of the ways to be kind to yourself

…lastly, what does your inner critic think about all this? And, if needed, what could you say to calm your critic, so that you can be kind to yourself when you need to? Wrap-up There are endless ways to be kind to yourself—and what works best will be utterly unique…

5 Tips to Say “No” with Kindness, Ease and Grace!

Woman being thoughtful about saying no on blue background

…this article on learning to say “No”, you may also like: 10 Strategies to (Kindly) Manage Interruptions & Get More Done Am I Too Nice For My Own Good? With 10 Signs to Help You Decide An Introduction to The Inner Critic: Mine and Possibly Yours Too… Change the world….

Why Fierce Kindness? With 10 ideas to Make a Difference!

…all (I know I had a couple of days of feeling a bit down last week). So, where am I going with all of this? Why Fierce Kindness? Well, Fierce Kindness is what I had to learn to manage my inner critic that used to beat me up verbally and…

Explore the Kindometer

…do the right thing. This could be in a difficult or controversial situation. Your inner critic gives you a hard time. Be both kind and super-firm (protect yourself but don’t turn into the bully). Level 3) Kindly Fierce Level 3 is a step up from being Fiercely Kind. This is…