Introducing Your Fiercely Kind Self: A Powerful Practice to Manage Difficult Feelings!…needs to hear to stand down—not just the sugary stuff, but also the tough love and common sense. Top Tips Remember that your inner critic is simply a child acting out, needing to know that it’s safe. So the one thing your inner critic needs to hear from your Fiercely…
About…to perfection and caused anxiety and stress. And despite moving half-way around the world my critic followed me: wherever you go, there you are… Slowly, I learned that the answer to managing stress, anxiety, and the inner critic is not to stuff it down, ignore or override it. Instead I…
How to Discover Your Strengths in 3 Easy Steps (with 10 Great Questions!)…If you notice a critical voice in your mind saying something like, “Who do you think you are?” or perhaps it’s making fun of you or being judgemental, try this: Imagine your inner critic in a SOUNDPROOF room or padded cell. Give your critic some delicious food and water, a…
Are You Addicted to Perfectionism? With 10 Signs and Journaling Prompts to Explore!…are perfect? What are the positive outcomes of perfecting? What will “come out” if you (or your activities) are perfect? What is underneath the fear that drives you to perfect? What might happen if you don’t perfect something—or aren’t perfect? What does your ‘inner child’ or ‘inner critic’ think will…
Home…her inner critic. Slowly, she learned that self-kindness—along with great courage is what allows us to find peace within. The answer to managing our stress, inner critic, dissatisfaction with life or the world is not to stuff it down, ignore or override it. Instead, we must learn to be kind,…
Z_Home Copy – Jan 2024 and Earlier (KEEP!)…become a life coach and moved to a new country—but still struggled with her inner critic. Slowly, she learned that self-kindness—along with great courage is what allows us to find peace within. The answer to managing our stress, inner critic, dissatisfaction with life or the world is not to stuff…
Home Copy…her inner critic. Slowly, she learned that self-kindness—along with great courage is what allows us to find peace within. The answer to managing our stress, inner critic, dissatisfaction with life or the world is not to stuff it down, ignore or override it. Instead, we must learn to be kind,…
Character: When it Comes Down to it—Who Are You?…to challenge the status quo. This idea of having ‘character’ is a powerful counter-argument against my inner critic, and it’s helping me let go of my fears. Instead of worrying, I focus on having character, and it works—I feel free to be unapologetically myself! So if this resonates with you,…
How to be Kind to Yourself! A Simple 4 Step Process with Journaling Prompts…new ideas could you think of—if you were to take how you feel and caring for your self more seriously? What are you willing to change? And lastly, what does your inner critic think about all this? And, if needed, what could you say to calm your critic? Wrap-up Being…
Start HereStart Here! Build a deep, loving and accepting relationship with YOU so you can create a life that is meaningful, satisfying and enjoyable. Take care of yourself, first. Then go and make a difference—from a place of strength. The 4 Paths Tame Your Inner Critic A complex beast, there’s no…